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NJAMDSC is seeking better ways to partner with MCO’s, legislative bodies, and other associations to provide better services to a greater number of adults who would benefit from our care, helping them maintain themselves in the community. Ultimately our coalition’s unifying goal is to seek ways to serve a larger community with quality services and in creating a sustainable business model.

Our coalition is open to all currently licensed adult medical day service centers, prospective centers/providers, affiliated vendors, and program consultants who are committed to working to secure our industry for our clients and have a strong vision of what the future of Adult Medical Day Services should include.

NADSA National Adult Day Services Association
1421 E Broad Street, Suite 425
Fuquay Varina, NC 27526
Phone: 1-877-745-1440
Fax: 919-825-3945
E-Mail: info@NADSA.org
Web: www.nadsa.org

NCCAP National Certification Council for Activity Professionals
Cindy L. Bradshaw MS, ACC
P.O. Box 62589
Virginia Beach, VA 23466
Phone: 757-552-0653 x304
E-Mail: NCCAPExec111@aol.com
Web: nccap.org

NJAPA New Jersey Activity Professional Association
Joan Marie Granato, President
3057 Cedarville Road
Millville, NJ 08322
Phone: 201-736-5301
E-Mail: njapamem@aol.com
Web: njactivitypros.org

Luanne Wood, RHIT, CALA, CDP
Health Information Consultant Services/CEO
AHIMA Certified ICD-10 Trainer and Ambassador
Facebook: www.facebook.com/consultantLuanne
Phone: 732-539-2421
Providing expertise in Health Information Management, Reimbursement Services, Telehealth, MDS, Documentation, Training, Survey Preparedness, EHR Transition, and HIPAA in Long term Care, Assisted Living and Medical Adult Day Care

Amit Gupta Pharmacy Consultants
Amit Gupta RPh, Pharm. D, CCP
Consultant Pharmacist
Cell: 908-334-5437
Web: njactivitypros.org